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Accident Claim Letter

After you have been involved in an accident you need to write a letter to the party that caused the accident and describe in detail what happened and that you would like to talk with their Attorney or Insurance representative. The sample form letter found below will help you get started with this accident resolution process.

Accident Claim Letter Writing Advice

  • Write an Accident Claim letter as soon as possible after you have taken part in an accident.
  • Be as specific as possible when listing out the details of the accident.
  • Be short and to the point.
  • Consult your Attorney before sending any correspondence.
Accident Claim Worksheet

Accident Claim Letter

[Your Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

[Date of Letter]

[Recipient's Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

Dear [Recipient's name],

This letter is being written to let you know that a claim was submitted against you for damages due to the accident that is found below. I believe that you or your representatives are to be held liable.

Accident description:

Accident Date:
Time of Day:

Please have your insurance agent or attorney contact me immediately in order to reach a solution as quickly as possible. You can reach me at my work phone number (000)000-0000.


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[Your Name, Title]



Employee Accident

Employee Incident Report

Employee Accident Report

Accident Claim Letter

Accident Claim Worksheet

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Employee Accident Log

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