If you require a proof of income for your customers, then odds are you’ve dealt with fake pay stubs on more than one occasion. People use them as a way to do things like receive a loan or apply for an apartment when they don’t have applicable income.
To merely accept the fake pay stubs and push them along in your company’s processes would be too risky. What if they can’t afford the rent on the apartment they applied for?
See below for several tips on spotting fake pay stubs and employment verification for your business. It will ensure that you’re only lining your company up with customers that can afford your services.
1. Company Details Seem Incorrect
One of the biggest red flags that you’ll find when you come across a fake pay stub is the employer information that they provide.
It might be something such as the employer contact information not lining up correctly, an address that seems out of place, or the phone number appearing too standard.
If you have any hesitancies about the employer’s information, do a quick Google search to learn more. Be sure to find the company with the exact address and phone number that’s on your customer’s pay stub.
If you’re having trouble finding it, then it’s a sign you’re dealing with fake check stubs.
Remember, it’s as easy for your customer to Google the “employer’s” contact information as it was for you. Just because the address and number match the employer’s contact info doesn’t mean you aren’t dealing with fake pay stubs.
2. Weird Gaps Throughout the Pay Stub
Those that go through the trouble of creating fake pay stubs don’t often have much time to accomplish it. They need to fake proof of income, and they need to do it fast.
Because of that, there will more than likely be little details that you can spot on a fake check stub. One of the most common is noticing an odd amount of spacing or blank fields on their deductions, year-to-date pay, etc.
The blank fields could be due to them forgetting to input it in. The weird gaps that you’ve noticed might be due to a subpar fake stub template that they used.
Whichever one you’ve spotted, it’s cause for concern. If a major field (such as healthcare insurance, federal taxes, or workers’ comp) is left blank, you can assume it’s a sign that you have a fraudulent stub in your hands.
3. Contact the Employer Right Away
If you’re getting more and more suspicious that the pay stub is a fake, then there’s only one way to find out for certain: call their employer.
You might not be able to trust the number that they’ve placed on the pay stub. If they’re committing to generating a fake pay stub, they’ll also try just as hard to cover their tracks.
The “employer phone number” they’ve listed might be the cell phone number of a friend they’ve hired to impersonate an employer. For that reason, type in the employer’s name and address into Google and call the number that’s listed.
Many people might think this to be an awkward situation, but employers receive these kinds of calls all the time. They’ll have no issue with quickly easing your mind by verifying certain information on the pay stub.
If the HR representative that you’re speaking with is having trouble finding the name, then you’ll want to ask other questions. How big is their establishment? Do they have the job title that’s listed on the pay stub? Is the name misspelled on the pay stub?
Doing your due diligence will help you shed some light on the situation. You can inform your boss of the possibility that it’s a counterfeit based on the research you’ve done.
4. Numbers Are Rounded to the Dollar
It’s not often, if ever that the figures on an employee’s pay stub would end in an amount that’s rounded to the nearest dollar. There are too many factors, such as percentages, taxes, and deductions.
If you notice that 2 or 3 of the numbers are perfectly rounded, then you should consider it a red flag.
Many people that make fake pay stubs will use rounded numbers to make the calculations easier. That way, there’s a higher likelihood that they enter the right amounts for their year-to-date entries.
Be sure to do some addition to make sure the totals line up. If they do, then you’ll want to use other red flags to determine whether or not it’s a fake.
5. Ask for a Bank Statement
Too many people get away with fake pay stubs simply because the service doesn’t want to offend them by asking. Many people will be fine with proving their income, knowing that there are those out there that lie about it.
If your client is using a fake pay stub, don’t expect them to take it lying down. They might start to get defensive, which should only further raise your suspicion.
The best way to settle this is by requesting a bank statement from their account that’s listed on the pay stub.
If the statement shows the exact amount has been deposited into their account, then there’s no need to worry. If there isn’t a deposit with that amount, then bring it to the attention of your manager.
Spot Fake Pay Stubs and Employment Verification with These Tips
Now that you’ve seen several ways to spot fake pay stubs and employment verification for your clients, it’s time to put them to good use.
Remember, most clients understand that confirming their pay stub is a part of the business process. Don’t be concerned with offending them if you need to ask for further proof. Many will be happy to comply with you.
Be sure to browse our website for more articles on fake pay stubs, as well as many other topics you might find helpful!