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There are a lot of things your company needs to be organized, from supplies to workflow and management. But did you know that there is one thing in particular that will improve your company’s workflow? Tracking equipment, that is, by implementing technology such as tracking beacons and tags! If this sounds foreign to you, don’t [...]

What’s the story behind your inventory? It can tell you much about your business, where you’ve been, and where you’re going. A long inventory turnover period could mean you have way too much product. A low inventory period could mean you’re failing to meet customer needs. Inventory days tell you a story too. A small [...]

According to studies, 77% of organizations are serious about automated warehouse organization systems to increase data-driven performance. A disorganized warehouse can lead to a loss in business efficiency and money. Without an organized warehouse, your employees might waste time looking for items, or worse, could lose track of inventory and end up selling products that [...]

If you run a company reliant on stocks of products to fulfil customer demand, you’ll understand the risks involved in not being able to maintain consistent stocks.  But you may still wonder why is inventory management important to your business? When your bread and butter is the product that you sell, you need to keep orders coming [...]

In today’s busy world, it can be hard to prioritize the organization of your workplace. As a responsible business owner, your top priority is the company’s bottom line. That means intentional organizational strategies can get shuffled to the side.  When it comes to maintaining your business’s warehouse, though, don’t take any shortcuts. Proper organization can not [...]