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Work Smarter Not Harder: How to Train Employees Effectively

Employee training is crucial to business success. But, it hasn’t always been a focus in the business world. Past studies show that only 10% of employee training has been effective.

But, recent trends say that things are changing. Businesses are putting more emphasis on how to train employees effectively.

Training methods and practices are being revamped and modernized. The best ones offer options and flexibility to course takers. Those two changes alone have made training more accessible to employees.

Why? Because employees embrace it!

And, that’s how you train effectively. Here’s what you need to know to put a program like that in place.

How to Train Employees Effectively

Is your company still delivering training through lecture and powerpoint? Then, you’re doing it wrong.

Sitting through three days of ill-designed, boring training is exhausting. It can actually decrease employee performance and lower morale.

It’s also ineffective at the very thing it’s designed to do. Deliver training!

Stop wasting everyone’s time. Here’s how to revamp your training practice. Create a more effective and appealing training system with these suggestions.

Create a Training Calendar

You can’t expect people to attend training they don’t know about. And, in the busy business world, the further out they know the better they can plan for it.

But, your plan needs to include more than a date and a training session title. Give it some real thought. Think about how to give your employees more ways to access relevant training.

Scheduling Methods

Work smarter, not harder. You need a system that allows people to sign up for required and optional training. Then, build time into their work schedule to get it done.

You don’t need to invent this. Look into training management software to make the process work.

Many of these systems also track training progress and certifications. That makes it easier to stay compliant.

Types of Training

Think about how to offer a variety of training options. Avoid large, seminar-style delivery.

Instead, look at options like these:

  • Online Training
  • Webinars
  • In-depth Classroom Mini-Lessons
  • Hands-on Labs
  • Small Group Training

Some types of training need hands-on activities. While others are easy to teach online. Consider the best type for the training needed.

Certain certifications for compliance have specific requirements. Those you can’t short cut. Offer appropriate options for things like hazardous material handling and osha training

Access Type

Modernize your ideas on how and when employees access training. Train people online during slow business hours. It’s more efficient than removing an employee from their desk for an all-day class.

Schedule classroom work during the slowest season or hours. Be flexible and creative when considering access. Employees respond to choices much better than demands.

Vary Delivery Methods

To deliver effective training, you must first understand how your people learn. Do a quick learning quiz to find out. Develop training that works with those results.

Then you can match employees up with training that works for them. It’s efficient and establishes the right attitude towards training from the start.

How People Learn

Did you know there are four modes of learning? They are reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Good training sessions include them all and vary how they’re delivered.

Why? Because people use those four learning modes in different ways.

Some people can learn anything by reading about it. While others need to hear an explanation. Still, others must take pages of notes to comprehend what’s going on.

See if you can find a way to include all those modes in your training program. But, beware of creating busy work or requiring certain methods. You don’t want a rebellion on your hands.

Flexibility and Options

Speaking of rebellion. How do you avoid employee frustration about training? You offer flexibility and options.

Schedule the same session as a webinar, online training, or give an option for a small group meeting on the topic. Then, let your employees choose.

You’ll find people are far more willing to train up when they have options.

Choose the Right Trainer

Invest in your company’s success. Hire a professional trainer.

A professional trainer focuses on creating, delivering, and maintaining your training program. They’ve learned to . They know how to interact with employees during training sessions, too.

Schedule Many Sessions

Don’t offer it only once. Put it on repeat. Consider monthly or quarterly access to the training that matters most.

Online training works so well with this. If your employees get sick or busy, they can still access the training material. 

Perform Assessments

Assessments help you tailor training to the needs of your business and its employees. They can identify problems in the training process.

Too often, companies get stuck on the employee performance piece. But, it’s not all about employee performance. You need to assess the training, trainer, and materials, too.

There are two things you need to figure out from your assessments:

  1. The effectiveness of the Training
  2. Employee Improvement After Training

Avoid making assessments about blame or punishment. Instead, approach it as a check and balance of the system. Then, use the data to improve it!

Coaching and Mentoring Programs

One of the best ways to help struggling employees is to put a coaching program in place. Implement it in conjunction with goal setting and performance appraisals.

This is a one-on-one situation that can be a mix of informal and formal training sessions. Coaching’s done on the job and in meetings. Schedule consistent coaching appointments to measure progress over time.

Take a look at your team. Choose employees who are good at what they do to lead. Seasoned, respected veterans of the business work best.

Allow them to coach or mentor new employees and those whose performance isn’t up to par. Consider rewarding these employees for their extra effort!

Build Your Training Program, Today!

It’s time to be serious about training. Understanding how to train employees effectively is the first step. Creating and delivering quality, flexible training is the real goal.

Take the time to do it right. The rewards will be worth it!

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