Claim of Lein
Notice is hereby given that on __/__/___
The Claimant [Legal Name], AKA (The Claimant)
Located at [Address]
[City], [State] [Zip Code]
First provided labor or material for an improvement to:
Owner [Legal Name]
Located at [Address]
[City], [State] [Zip Code]
General Description of Property where work or materials were furnished:
The final day of providing labor or material was on ___/___/____.
The lien claimant's amount is $______. The lien claimant has received payment in total of $______ and therefore claims a construction lien upon the above specified real property in the amount of $__________.
The lien claimant's rate that is charged by the hour is $_____. For the labor there is a sum of $______ and the lien claimant claims a construction lien upon the above described real property.
Signature of Lien Claimant