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Free Sample Claim of Lien Agreement

A Claim of Lien is a legal claim to property as security against any amount of money or services that were used for improvement purposes.

Sample Claim of Lien

Claim of Lein

Notice is hereby given that on __/__/___

The Claimant [Legal Name], AKA (The Claimant)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

First provided labor or material for an improvement to:

Owner [Legal Name]

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

General Description of Property where work or materials were furnished:



The final day of providing labor or material was on ___/___/____.

The lien claimant's amount is $______. The lien claimant has received payment in total of $______ and therefore claims a construction lien upon the above specified real property in the amount of $__________.

The lien claimant's rate that is charged by the hour is $_____. For the labor there is a sum of $______ and the lien claimant claims a construction lien upon the above described real property.

Signature of Lien Claimant



Lien Notices

Preliminary Lien Notice

Release of Lien Agreement

Claim of Lien

Proof of Service

Mechanic's Lien Contract

Mechanic's Lien Waiver

Attorney Lien