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Coronavirus Customer Letter

Sample templates for writing a letter about coronavirus to customers

Sample Letters About Coronavirus

Letter To Employees About Coronavirus

Coronavirus Forms & Templates

Liability Waiver & Release

Daily Symptom Check In

Employee Temperature Log Sheet

Company Visitor Sign In Sheet

Letters To Customer About Coronavirus

Letter Announcing Store Reopening

Letter To Customers About Closing

Letter To Temporarily Close, Open Online

Coronavirus Letters

  • Closed For Now
  • Open For Business
  • Cancel Event
  • Postpone Meeting

Sample Letter About Closed For Business

To: Kevin Ronald

From: Bob Montgomery

Subject: Closed For Now

Dear Customers:

In light of the Coronavirus pandemic, we are temporarily suspending business until [Date]. The COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving situation and we want to assure our customers that the health and safety of our guests and staff is the highest priority.

Suspending business is out of an abundance of caution; there has been no identified risk. We will continue to make decisions based on science and the recommended guidance provided by the Center for Disease Control and our local health department.

Here is how we are acting on that guidance right now:

  • The business will be closed from [Date] to [Date] to undergo a deep clean and disinfection process, as recommended by the CDC.

  • We will be increasing the number of hand sanitizer stations.

  • We are reecommending that employees who have symptoms stay home.

  • We will evaluate this closure and provide an update on [Date].
Thank you for your support of the small businesses in our local area. We look forward to seeing you again, soon.


[First Name] [Last Name]
[Title / Position]
Ph: [(000) 000-0000]

Sample Letter About Open For Business

To: Bill Saltz

From: Melissa Winthrope

Subject: Open For Business

Dear Customers:

We are open for business, however the safety and health of our customers, employees, and community are of utmost importantce to us.

We are following all CDC guidelines to make sure we can be helpful with slowing down the progress of Coronavirus. These are the steps that we have taken to do our part to prevent community spread

What We Are Doing

  • If you are not comfortable coming into our store then give us a call and we will get what you are looking for and can check you out at your vehicle when picking up.

  • If you want to talk, but not come into the store, call us and we can schedule time to answer all of your questions.

  • We are cleaning and disinfecting common areas every hour. This includes all checkout areas, counters, door knobs, railings, and hardgoods.

  • Employees that are showing any symptoms of illness are staying home.

  • We are working on ways to allow social distancing during our upcoming sale.

  • We have reduced the hours that we are open to make sure staff does not get worn out. We are now open at 11am daily.
Thank you for your support of local small businesses like ours. Together, we will get through this public health crisis and emerge stronger as a community.


[First Name] [Last Name]
[Title / Position]
Ph: [(000) 000-0000]

Coronavirus Customer Letter

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

September 12, 2024

Subject: Coronavirus Update

Dear Valued Customers:

We wanted to reach out to all of our customers to address the current situation with the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the action that we are taking. Our first priority is always the safety and health of our customers and employees.

As we have all seen, this situation is quickly changing.

We are monitoring the situation with Coronavirus each day to make sure that our business and staff is responding appropriately. We understand that some of our customers' plans are changing at the last minute because of new developments. For customers that have had plans change, we will honor your purchase through at least May 1st 2020 and will extend that date if appropriate. This policy will remain in place until at least May 1st, 2020.

While there may be many challenges to manage right now, we do not want your purchase with us to be one of them.

For those customers using our services, we want to assure you that our staff has increased the frequency of cleaning. This is in addition to our normal cleaning procedures that disinfects for any viruses. Additionally, all public areas are stocked with disinfecting wipes for employees and customers. Our compnay monitors the welllness of all employees to ensure that our customers have a positive experience, while minimizing any risk of illness spreading.

We are excited about a new announcement that is coming up next month and are confident that we will continue to provide you with an excellent experience. We look forward to seeing you again, soon.


[First Name] [Last Name]
[Title / Position]

Sample Email To Cancel Event

To: Wendy Montgomery

From: John Morton

Subject: Event Cancelled

Dear [Name]:

We have been monitoring the cirucumstances with the Coronovirus outbreak and we believe it is best for our community to proceed with an abundance of caution. One of the recommended precautions is to practice social distancing.

Therefore, after confrerring with community partners, we have decided to cancel the [Event Name] which would have been a large gathering. This was scheduled to be held at [Location] on [Date].

Thank you for your understanding.


[First Name] [Last Name]
[Title / Position]

Sample Email To Postpone Meeting

To: Jeffrey Wilkins

From: Cindy Atwater

Subject: Notification of Postponement

Dear [Name]:

Due to public health considerations related with COVID-19 (Coronavirus) in our local community, the [Company] has decided to postpone the meeting that was originally scheduled for [Date]. This postponement is being made in the interest of public safety.

Due to these unusual circumstances, we will be rescheduling this meeting at a later time and will contact you with that information when appropriate.


[First Name] [Last Name]
[Title / Position]

Sample Letters About Coronavirus

Letter To Employees About Coronavirus

Coronavirus Forms & Templates

Liability Waiver & Release

Daily Symptom Check In

Employee Temperature Log Sheet

Company Visitor Sign In Sheet

Letters To Customer About Coronavirus

Letter Announcing Store Reopening

Letter To Customers About Coronavirus

Letter To Customers About Closing

Letter To Temporarily Close, Open Online

Coronavirus School Letters

Letter To Parents About Coronavirus

Email To Parents About Illness & Flu