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Credit Dispute Letter Sample

Use this letter template when writing your credit bureau disputing an error on your credit report.

Credit Dispute Template

Credit Dispute Letter

[Your Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

[Date of Letter]

VIA: CERTIFIED MAIL, Return Receipt Requested

[Credit Bureau]
[City, State, Zip]

RE: [Report ID#]

Dear [Credit Bureau Contact Person],

In reviewing the attached credit bureau report that was issued by your agency, I have found an error. The following account(s) is / are not reported accurately:

Company Name:


Account Number:


Under the provisions of the 1977 Federal Fair Credit Reporting Act, I do hereby request that your agency prove to me in writing the accuracy of the reporting of the above mentioned account(s). Under the terms of the Act and succeeding court cases, you have thirty days to prove such accuracy or remove the account entirely from my report. I am asking that you do so.

This letter was sent certified mail with a return receipt requested. I expect a response within the thirty day period. Should I not hear promptly from you, I will follow up with whatever action is necessary to result in my report being corrected.

Please feel free to call me with any questions you may have at the number above.


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