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Employee Coaching Form

Use this form to coach your employees back on to an effective performance track.

Employee Performance

While this simple employee coaching template can be used as a one time event to easily improve someone's work performance, visit performance reviews to go in depth and evaluate a manager or employee over a longer time span.

Employee Coaching Template

Employee Coaching Form





Date: ____/____/______

Employee Name:


Employee Number:




Nature of Incident or Observation:





Action Taken To Improve Performance:




_______________________ Date_____
Signature of Employee

_______________________ Date_____
Signature of Supervisor



Employee Training

Training programs can be tailored to improve any employee's performance and the results achieved by your business.

  1. Training Record
  2. Training Log
Use these templates to create an individual record of the training that an employee receives, then compile each session in the log to document the employee's achievements over the length of their job.

Employee Training

Employee Training Record

Employee Training Log

Coaching Performance

Project Tracking

Project Lessons Learned

Employee Coaching

Corrective Action Forms

Record Of Disciplinary Action

Verbal Warning Worksheet

Employee Reprimand Form

Warning Letter On Performance

Employee Probation Notice

Employee Probation Period

Goal Setting Forms

Awards & Recognition

Employee Recommendation

Employee Appreciation Letter

Employee Of The Month