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Letter Asking For Time Off For Funeral

Letter from employee asking employer for time off to go to a funeral

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February 10, 2025

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Subject: Funeral

Dear [Name]:

I need to request time off work because I must go to a funeral for my [Relationship] who passed away on [Day], [Month] [00], [2020]. I will be traveling to [Location] on [Date] for the funeral, and expect to be gone for [#] days. I expect to be back at work on [Date].

While I am absent from work, I anticipate that the following assignments will need to be covered by someone else:

  • Item #1

  • Item #2

  • Item #3

When I return to work after this funeral, I anticipate that I will be able to do the following to assist with catching up from my time gone:

  • Item #1

  • Item #2

  • Item #3

I appreciate you considering my request for time off. I apologize for any inconvenience that this may cause the company, and the short notice that I am providing to you.

Please let me as soon as possible about my time off request. I can be reached, on my phone at [000-000-0000], with any questions while I am gone from work.



Proof Of Funeral For Work

Most employers will not require employees to provide proof, such as a death certificate, before approving time off of work for a funeral. The name of the deceased and relationship, along with date and location is usually enough information about a funeral for an employer. If you are unsure about how your company handles this, check with your boss, human resources or ask to see the company's bereavement policy.

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Letter to Request Time Off

Letter to Ask For Time Off For Funeral


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