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Microsoft Word Letterhead Template

This free sample letterhead template provides a basic layout you may customize with a logo to create your own look.

Editing Letterhead Template With Logo

Save in Word. Replace picture to left with your logo/graphic. Replace text with your business info. Difficulty: Easy. Time: <1hr

Download Sample Letterhead Template

See step by step instructions for including your own graphics or logo are below.

Jeffrey Lewis
At Your Business
P.O. Box 000
Anywhere, ST 00000
P: 000-000-000

February 10th, 2025

First Last Name
Street Address
City, State 00000

Dear :

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean ut ipsum eget massa hendrerit vestibulum vel in velit. Donec pretium neque velit.

Aliquam porta lectus nec mauris ornare venenatis. Vivamus non est turpis, et cursus sem. Mauris vehicula erat in diam auctor at bibendum nisl lacinia.

Morbi imperdiet neque vehicula nunc convallis gravida. Vestibulum iaculis pretium placerat. Integer consequat, est sit amet facilisis eleifend, nibh nibh varius orci, eget dapibus arcu dui non purus. Pellentesque in magna mauris. Duis enim sapien, dictum vitae condimentum a, pulvinar vel lacus. Mauris et molestie nibh. Vestibulum vitae nulla at metus elementum porta sit amet interdum elit. Nulla sollicitudin neque eu nulla volutpat congue.

Etiam pellentesque, velit id dapibus fermentum, turpis sapien ornare dui, ac tincidunt ligula odio congue purus. Nunc sed ante dui, in porta lectus. Cras nec sem lorem. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Maecenas id diam quis dui porta tristique. Sed id egestas felis. Donec ullamcorper mattis posuere. Phasellus fermentum eleifend tortor vel dapibus. Vestibulum ante ipsum.


Jeffrey Lewis
P.O. Box 000
Anywhere, ST 00000


Step By Step Directions On How To Customize Including Your Graphic/Logo

1) Click here to download sample document in Microsoft Word format.

2) Select [Save file] and save the Word Document to a place and with a name you will remember.

3) Open the saved letterhead file in Microsoft Word

4) Click in the text area at the top and edit the heading to include your business information.

5) The date automatically populates with today's date. Change as needed.

6) Replace the greeting and content of the letter with your text.

7) Replace the signature at the end with your own custom ending.

8) Double click the @ image to the left and select [delete].

9) Select [Insert] at top menu

10) Select [Picture] within sub-menu

11) Select the file from your computer and click [Insert]

12) [Save] file

Letter Templates

Write & Print A Letter

Letter For Change of Address

Apology Letter To Customer

Letter To Employees About Coronavirus

Thank You Letter

Thank You Letter For Donation

Thank You Letter For Interview

Thank You Letter For Job Offer

Thank You Letter After Meeting

Thank You For Letter Of Recommendation


Letterhead Template

Blank Memo

Random Excuse

Fax Cover Sheet

Binder Cover

Daily To Do List

Business Daily Journal

Petition Template

High School Reunion Program

Family Reunion Registration

Conference Registration

Change Request Form

Late Fee Notice

Donation Request Form

Work Log Books

Maintenance & Repair

Church & Weddings



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Patient Medical Information Sheet

Patient Discharge


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Event Planning