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Sample Meeting Minutes

A great template to use when conducting a formal meeting where a record must be kept.

Meeting Minutes Template

Meeting Minutes

[Name of Group]

Board Meeting - [xx/xx/xxxx]

Meeting was called to order today at [xx:xx] am/pm at [location].

Was a quorum established: [__] Yes [__] No

Attendees that were present:

[List all those attending]


[List all those absent]

Approval of Minutes:

Motion: To approve the Minutes from [xx/xx/xxxx] Board meeting.

Vote: [motion vote results]

Resolved: [document any issues that were resolved since the last meeting.]


[List various reports that are presented and by who.]

Treasurer's report given by Jack Sparrow.


[List new business and vote results.]

Motion: Hire a pool maintenance company to clean the pool for $1,000 a year.
Vote: Motion Approved Unanimously

Meeting Adjourned at [xx:xx] am/pm



Meeting Mangement

Meeting Room Schedule

Meeting Agenda

Meeting Sign In Sheet

Meeting Notes

Meeting Summary

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Feedback

Sample Letters

Letter To Request Meeting

Letter To Invite Someone To Meeting

Letter To Request Sales Meeting

Letter To Reschedule Meeting

Letter To Cancel Meeting

Apology Letter For Missing Meeting

Follow Up Letter After Meeting

Thank You Letter After Meeting

Sample Email Templates

Inviting Someone To Meeting

Requesting Meeting

Reschedule Meeting

Cancel Meeting

Recap Meeting

School Meetings

PTA Meeting Sign In Sheet

Homeowners Association

HOA Annual Meeting Invite