Lawn and Landscaping Maintenance Service Report
Please Rate Our Service:
It is our intention to provide the absolute best lawn care and landscaping services available. Let us know how we are doing. Thank you!
Name: __________________________
Address: _________________________
City: __________ State: ___ Zip: ____
Cell Phone:
Email Address:
My Lawn Service Technician:
_________________ Truck #: ______
Lawn Color:
Poor [__] Fair [__] Excellent [__]
Lawn Thickness:
Poor [__] Fair [__] Excellent [__]
Weed Control:
Poor [__] Fair [__] Excellent [__]
Insect Control:
Poor [__] Fair [__] Excellent [__]
Timely Response to service requests:
Poor [__] Fair [__] Excellent [__]
Overall Rating:
Poor [__] Fair [__] Excellent [__]