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New Retail Store Opening Checklist

This template can be used to create an opening day checklist for your new retail store. Get organized using our current items on the checklist or modifying the template for your store's specific need.

Groups of tasks on your checklist can be assigned to each employee to make sure everyone on your team helping with the launch remains on the same page.

New Retail Store

New Store
Opening Checklist

February 10, 2025
Version 1.0

New Store Name
Street Address
City, State 00000

Assigned to:


[ ] Announce days and hours new store will be open with local door to door blitz

[ ] Create new customer information list including name, phone, address, email

[ ] Determine promotional products and pricing for opening

[ ] Create opening day incentive to draw attention (i.e. free cruise giveaway)

[ ] Press Release and Distribution

[ ] Soft opening with friends and families of staff with discount pricing

[ ] Implement mystery shopping program and research based on customer survey

[ ] Create and promote gift cards

[ ] Create and promote loyalty program ($25 free item after $250 of purchases)

[ ] Direct Mailer drop timed with opening of store

Assigned to:


[ ] Management & Employee Organizational Chart

[ ] Hourly Schedule

[ ] Job Descriptions

[ ] Employee Training

[ ] Payroll & Weekly Schedule

[ ] Employee Satisfaction Survey & Feedback

[ ] Management & Employee Performance Reviews

Assigned to:


[ ] Entrance

[ ] Layout of sales floor

[ ] Store fixtures and displays

[ ] Interior Design

[ ] Music

[ ] Storage areas

[ ] Office space

Assigned to:


[ ] Safe / Bolted

[ ] Cameras / Recording System

[ ] Employee Procedures Training

[ ] Cash Handling Procedures

[ ] Safety Training & Reporting

[ ] Employee Emergency Training

[ ] Emergency Contacts (911, Police, Fire)

[ ] Outreach & Training (CPR, etc)

Starting A Business

LLC Partnership Agreement

Profit Sharing Agreement

LLC Certificate of Formation

LLC Partner Resignation

LLC Member Buyout

LLC Member Withdrawal

Proposal To Buy A Business

Independent Contractor

Joint Venture Agreement

Start A Business

Food & Beverage

BOD Communications

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes

Board Resolution Letter

Small Business Assistant

How To Decide What Business To Start

Business Plan

Strategic Plan

Business Plan Template

Business Planning Worksheet

Business Plan Confidentiality Agreement

Sample Cleaning Business Plan

Store Opening Day Checklist