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Employee Suggestion Form

Giving your employees the opportunity to freely make suggestions with the form below will pay large dividends. It will empower your employees to create their own solutions to problems from their perspective which is usually the best way to solve many issues that arise and it will create a more effecient and effective company overall. A win-win. After an employee makes a valuable suggestion it is a good idea to reward them with a letter of appreciation and or certificate of appreciation. You can find links to both of these below.

Sample Employee Suggestion Form

Employee Suggestion

Employee Name:


Date: ____/____/______

Position / Title:




Suggestion / Concern: Please describe your suggestion and include how it may improve your job, the jobs of others, add value to our customers, and what specifically is your concern that is being addressed (lost time, wasted use of materials, loss of revenue, return of goods, inefficiency, morale, etc.)






Resources that will be needed to implement your suggestion: Please explain how our company can help carry out your suggestion. Include your estimates for labor, materials, capital, and equipment needed.







Capital Expenditures:


Other Resources:


Total Estimated Cost:


Specific Steps that will be taken: Please outline in detail the steps that will be needed and the individuals / departments that must be involved to accomplish the suggestion above:

1. _____________________________
2. _____________________________
3. _____________________________
4. _____________________________

Total Estimated Time to Complete:

_________ Hours

_______________________ Date_____
Signature of Employee

For Management Use Only:

Supervisor Name and Title:


Date Received: ____/____/______

Follow Up Date: ____/____/______

Comments regarding the employee suggestion:



Perceived Benefit to our Company:



Perceived Benefit to our Company:



Cost to our Company:



Please explain in detail how this suggestion fits our company's overall mission statement:




Suggestion Priority
(1 = Low, 5 = High)

1 2 3 4 5

Action to be taken:


Suggested employee reward:


_______________________ Date_____
Signature of Supervisor



Employee Performance

Management Evaluation

Employee Evaluation

Simple Blank Evaluation

Employee Self Evaluation

Suggestions & Comments

Sample Evaluation Comments

Evaluation Phrase Generator

Employee Suggestion Form

School Evaluations

Teacher Self Evaluation

Substitute Teacher Feedback