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Sample Employee Verification Letter

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Employee Verification Letter

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Employment Verification Letters

Whenever you apply for any form of credit, or even an apartment rental, you may be required to provide verification of your employment. This letter is very important because it confirms that you have a reliable and steady source of income. Often times, creditors will require that you make a specific amount of money and also that you have been employed for a certain amount of time. This provides proof that you are more likely to keep up with either your rent, mortgage, or credit payments.

Providing Proof of Employment

You will see above that there are three primary factors that are required in an employment verification letter:

  • Date employment began
  • Your position title
  • Your salary and how often you are paid
  • Whether you are part-time or full-time

Once this letter is written, it should be sealed and returned to your creditor. Some verification centers may require that the letter be mailed directly from your employer.

Employment Verification Letter Template

Employee Verification Letter

[Your Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

[Date of Letter]

[Recipient's Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

Re: Verification of Employment for [Employee Name]

To Whom it May Concern,

Please accept this letter as confirmation that [Employee Name] has been employed with [Company Name] since ____/____/______. Currently, [Employee Name]:

- Holds the title of [Employee Title]

- Earns a salary of [Employee's Salary], payable bi-weekly, with an annual bonus of [Amount]

- Works on a full time basis of forty hours per week.

If you have any questions or require additional information, please give me a call at the above number.

Best regards,

[Sign here]

Canada - Employment Verification Template

Employment status letters can be required for several purposes in the Canada. Some of these are forms such as credit applications or they may even be needed to travel abroad. These letters are essentially "reference" letters that state you have a job that pays a specific salary, and also that this job is reliable.

Employment Verification Letter Template - Canada Specific

Sample Employee Verification Letter


[Your Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]
[Phone Number]

[Date of Letter]

[Recipient's Name]
[Company Name]
[City, State, Zip]

Re: Verification of Employment for [Employee Name]

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I am writing you today to confirm that [Employee Name] is an employee at the office of[Company Name] located in Canada at the following address:

[Company Name]

[Employee's Name] started employment on ____/____/______ and is on a contract with us that will end on _______/______/______. [Employee's Name] works [Hours] per week and has a gross annual salary of [$0.00].

should you need any additional information regarding this employment verification for the mentioned employee please feel free to contact me at the phone number above.


[Your Name, Title]



United Kingdom - Employment Verification Template

Employment Verification Letter Template United Kingdom (UK) Specific

This UK specific employment verification letter can be a good template to have on file as an employer. The letter will confirm your employees average number of hours worked per week and also their annual salary. It can then be sealed and sent to the credit application business or government officials that has requested the letter.

Employment Letter For Visa

Many times when you are applying for a visa to visit another country, you will be required to provide a letter proving your employment. This letter is necessary to prove that you have incentive to return back to your home country. If you provide a letter from your employer which verifies your current employment status, you are more likely to be granted a visa. The importance of these letters will increase as the UK's status with the EU may alter over the upcoming years.

How To Get Proof of Employment

The only way to get proof of employment is to contact your employer directly. You can either get this letter filled out by someone in management, or the Human Resources department if you work for a larger company. It is very rarely required that this document be notarized, so just a simple signature should suffice.

However, even though your letter may not need to be notarized, you should make sure that the letter is on official company letterhead. The appropriate contact information should be included as well even if you already filled it out on your original application.

Proof of Employment Pay Stub

Some creditors may also require that a pay stub is attached alongside your employment verification letter. This should be easy to provide as it can be attached either by you or your employer. By providing your pay stub, your creditor can also see how much money you make after taxes (this is your net income). The pay stub is also another way of verifying your employment. Application centers and creditors know that some people may try to forge a verification letter, which is why they may require you provide a copy of your pay stub as well. This copy will validate that the information on your proof of employment letter is legitimate.



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