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Free Auto Bill of Sale Template

The Bill of Sale documents the transfer of ownership of a car, vehicle, or automobile from the seller to the buyer. When selling your vehicle you may use this free template to conduct your sales transaction. Just print out the attached document twice and serve signed copies to the Buyer and the Seller.

Auto Bill of Sale Template

Auto Bill of Sale

Effective Date ____/____/______

Buyer [Legal Entity], AKA (The Buyer)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Phone Number (000)000-0000

Email: email@address.com


The Seller [Legal Name], AKA (The Seller)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Phone Number (000)000-0000

Email: email@address.com

Vehicle Information:

Year: _____________________

Make: ____________________

Model: ____________________

VIN #: ____________________

The Seller hereby certifies that they are the full and lawful owner of the above mentioned vehicle and have complete authority to sell it.

In consideration of the following:


the Seller hereby transfers the above mentioned vehicle to the Buyer. The Seller hereby acknowledges the collection of funds and the Buyer understands that the above mentioned vehicle is sold in "AS IS" condition.

_______________________ Date_____
Seller's Signature

_______________________ Date_____
Buyer's Signature



Forms & Templates

Travel Itinerary

Auto Expense Report

Parking Violation Notice

Daily Driving Log

Gas Mileage Log

Trucking Log Book

Motorcycle Maintenance

Vehicle Use Log

Vehicle Maintenance

Daily Vehicle Inspection

Motor Vehicle Inspection

Odometer Disclosure

No Parking Notice

Car For Sale Sign

Purchase Agreements & Bill of Sales

Auto Purchase Agreement

Auto Bill of Sale

Motorcycle Bill of Sale

Boat Bill of Sale

Livestock Bill of Sale