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Model Release Form Template

Model Release Form

Model Release Form

Effective Date ____/____/______

Photographer [Legal Name], AKA (The Photographer)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Phone Number (000)000-0000

Email: email@address.com


Model [Legal Name], AKA (The Model)

Located at [Address]

[City], [State] [Zip Code]

Phone Number (000)000-0000

Email: email@address.com

The Model releases The Photographer and assigns permission to license all the photographic and other media images along with sound recordings and use of such images and sound recordings in any media for any given purpose which may include among others, marketing, promotions, etc. for any product or service. The Model also hereby agrees that any image and sound recording may be combined with other images, text and or graphics, altered and or modified.

The Model agrees that the Photographer retains all rights to the images and sound recordings. The Model acknowledges and hereby agrees that The Photographer is not held liable for any additional consideration and further claims for any reason.

The Model agrees that this Model Release Agreement is binding on all heirs and assigns. The Model agrees that this Agreement is irrevocable, worldwide and perpetual.

This Agreement contains the entire agreement between the two above mentioned parties to this Modal Release and the terms of this Agreement are contractual and not of a recital nature.

Applicable Law

This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of _____ in ______ County and any applicable Federal Law.

Signature of The Model

Signature of The Photographer



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