Welcome Letter To Parents For Back To School
[Your Name]
[School Name]
[City, State, Zip]
[Date of Letter]
Dear Parents,
It is hard to believe but it is school time again!!! I am thrilled to have your child in my classroom this year. I have the belief that by working together we will make this a very successful school year. It is very important that you play an active role in your child's education.
I invite you to call or visit with me any time that you have a question regarding your child's progress in school. I will do my part by keeping you informed by sending home weekly a sample of your child's work. Along with a progress report the last week of each month. If you have special knowledge or expertise in a particular field and you would like to share it with the class please let me know as soon as possible so we can set up a schedule for you to present to the class.
I am attaching a copy of my classroom rules. It is very important that both you and your child are fully informed regarding my standards of classroom behavior. If your child should not follow the rules I will notify you immediately. Also, I would appreciate it if you would also communicate to me any time your child has a problem be it academic, social, or emotional.
I truly consider it an honor and privilege to be your child's teacher this year and look forward to meeting with each of you.
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