Job Safety Analysis Form
Event: ________________________
Effective Date: _____ /_____ /_____
Number of Pages: ______ of ______
Department: ___________________
Prepared By:
_______________________ Date_____
Reviewed By:
_______________________ Date_____
Approved By:
_______________________ Date_____
1. Equipment Operated:
2. Environmental Conditions:
Inside Outside Cold Heat Wet Dust Vapors / Mist
Noise Vibration Other _________________
3. Primary Job Functions & Position:
Lifting Grasping Pushing Sitting Reaching Bending
Kneeling Standing Pulling Squatting Other _________________
4. Physical Demands:
(Continuously = 100% - 67%; Frequently = 66% - 34%; Occasionally = 33% - 1% Not Applicable = 0%)
___ Standing ___ Pulling ___ Kneeling
___ Walking ___ Climbing ___ Reaching
___ Sitting ___ Stooping ___ Carrying (___ lbs. ___ distance)
___ Pushing ___ Bending
5. Potential Hazards:
Controlled By
Impact PPE | Procedure Training Guards
Chemical Contact PPE | Procedure Training Guards
Caught on or Between PPE | Procedure Training Guards
Fall or Slip PPE | Procedure Training Guards
Over Exertion PPE | Procedure Training Guards
Cumulative Trauma PPE | Procedure Training Guards
Other PPE | Procedure Training Guards
6. List of Specific Hazards:
7. List of Chemicals:
8. PPE:
Eye _______________ Face _______________ Head _______________
Clothing ______________ Hand _______________ Other_______________
Foot _______________ Respiratory ___________ Other_______________
9. Procedure Details: