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Employee Exit Interview Template

Have your employee fill out the form below when going through the exit interview process.

Exit Interview Forms

Employee Exit Interview

Date: ____/____/______





Department / Location:


Supervisor's Name:


Please answer the following questions:

1. What did you like about your job here?




2. What did you not like about your job here?




3. Specify the most satisfying aspect of your job?




4. Specify the least satisfying part of your job?




5. Specify your relationship with your direct supervisor?




6. What made you decide to leave the company?




7. Have you accepted another position? If so, with what company, where will you work, and when do you start?




8. What are your thoughts regarding the company's compensation policies?



9. How do you think the company can improve your job function or please provide your comments on any other matter that should be brought to our attention.



_______________________ Date_____
Signature of Employee

_______________________ Date_____
Signature of Human Resources Representative



End Of Employment

Letter of Resignation

Two Week Notice Letter

Employee Termination

Farewell Letter For Retirement

COBRA Notification

Employment Verification

Exit Interview

Employee Exit Interview

Exit Interview Questions