Sample Exit Interview Questions
Sample Exit Interview Questions
- What is your primary reason for leaving your job?
- What was it specifically that made you decide to leave your job?
- What did you find the most satisfying about your job?
- What did you find the least satisfying about your job?
- What would you change about your job?
- Did your job duties turn out to about what you expected them to be when you were hired?
- Did you receive adequate training to execute your job correctly?
- Did you receive the correct amount of support to do your job?
- Did you receive sufficient feedback about your performance between performance reviews?
- Were satisfied with the company's performance review process?
- Did you that this company helped you fulfill your career goals?
- Do you have any suggestions on who may be available to replace you?
- What would you change to improve our workplace environment?
- Were you happy with your pay, benefits, and other incentives?
- How would you rate the overall quality of the supervision that you received?
- What could your immediate supervisor do to improve their management style?
- What do you think it takes to succeed at this company?
- Were there any company policies that specifically made your job more difficult to execute?
- Would you ever consider working with us again?
- Would you recommend working with this company to your family or friends?
- Overall how do you feel about this company?
- What did you like most about working for this company?
- What did you like the least about working for this company?
- What does your new company offer that we do not?
- Can we do anything to encourage you to stay with this company?
- Before deciding to leave, did you investigate a transfer to another position within the company?
- Did anyone at this company ever discriminate against you, harass you or create hostile working conditions for you?
- Do you have any other comments you would like to add?