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Dealing with Grief: How to Cope With Loss

Loss is a natural part of life. Everyone experiences loss at one time or another, for a variety of different reasons.

Perhaps someone close to you has died, or a relationship ends, or a loved one moves away. Whatever the situation, learning how to cope with loss isn’t always easy. The key is to learn to grieve in the most healthy way possible.

Coping with death can be a struggle. This often leads to depression and other types of mental suffering. Fortunately, there are ways to overcome grief. In this article, we take a look at dealing with death and other forms of loss that cause pain.

Keep reading to learn some valuable tips that can help you cope with the grieving process.

Get Plenty of Sleep

First off, make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. Never underestimate the power of being rested. After all, grief can be exhausting. It drains your energy and offers nothing in return except pain.

Sleep can be challenging when you’ve suffered loss. Especially in the beginning. But you’ll be amazed at how rejuvenating quality sleep can be for both mind and body.


If you’ve never spoken to a therapist before, it can be a life-changing experience. Therapy has a many benefits. It allows you to express what you’re feeling in a safe and confidential environment, and to get feedback from someone who is trained to understand what you’re going through.

Therapy is great for helping you externalize emotions. Often we feel things that are difficult to understand. A therapist helps to organize these feelings, and can offer ways to cope with difficult feelings and to help you work through them.

Seeking therapy doesn’t make you weak, it’s actually a sign of tremendous strength.


When you’re grieving, it can be easy to want to hide away from the world and stay in bed. And yet sometimes the best thing you can do for yourself is get outside and sweat.

It can be challenging at first to simply leave the house, but keep in mind that motion is lotion. The first step out the door is always the hardest. The key is to lace up your shoes, stand up, and start moving.

You don’t have to engage in high-impact exercise. In fact, the simple act of getting out and taking a nice walk is enough. The key is to get fresh air and sunshine as you stretch your legs and get your heart pumping. A little exercise can go a long way toward changing your attitude about life.

Don’t Keep Your Emotions Bottled Up

Dealing with loss often generates a swirl of emotions inside. One of the most unhealthy things you can do is keep these emotions bottled up and unexpressed. It’s much better to talk about it so that you can begin unraveling the tangle of feelings you’re experiencing.

Again, this is why therapy can be so beneficial. Learning how to open up and face your feelings might be difficult, but at least you’re acknowledging the pain and finding a way to deal with it.

Ignoring the pain, or compartmentalizing, it won’t make it go away. Better to face it and realize that you don’t have let it have power over you.

Maintain a Healthy Diet

Another aspect of taking proper care of yourself during the healing process is the food you eat. And yes, eating is important. Your body needs fuel, and it needs healthy fuel that can provide the energy you need.

Eating junk isn’t the solution. In fact, eating fast food and other comfort foods can make you sluggish, which will simply encourage a sedentary lifestyle. 

Eating healthy can help elevate mood, which is more likely to make you want to go outside and engage with the world. Remember: Garbage in, garbage out.

Allow Yourself to Experience the Pain

This can be the most challenging part of healing for many people. After all, allowing yourself to actually grieve isn’t pleasant. And yet it’s the only way to totally and genuinely heal.

It’s a very human reaction to mentally block the pain, to refuse to accept it or let it in, and to live in denial that the pain exists. But pain doesn’t simply go away. It doesn’t evaporate. It will always exist in one form or another until it’s properly acknowledged, confronted, and dealt with.

Loss is painful. And if that pain isn’t acknowledged and fully experienced, it will continue to cause pain until you’re ready to take the steps necessary to release it.

Keep Up Your Daily Routine

It’s important to not shut down and stop living. You need to get on with life as much as possible, no matter how impossible this might seem. The routine of daily life is a great distraction so that you don’t get stuck in a rut of dwelling on the pain of loss all day long.

Develop a Support Network

You need your friends and family around you. And they want to be there for you. After all, everyone has experienced loss in one form or another, and they know how painful and lonely this time can be. Let them in and allow them to love you.

Be Patient With Yourself

The act of being patient with yourself is a tremendous form of self-love. This isn’t easy. You will likely get frustrated at the fact that it’s difficult to move on after suffering a loss. But show yourself some mercy.

Healing takes time. It’s not going to happen overnight. Once you realize this, and show yourself some grace, the easier it will be to heal at your own pace, no matter how long that takes.

Important Tips for How to Cope With Loss

It’s not easy to learn to cope with loss. The grieving process can feel like it lasts forever. But the tips contained in this article can help. The key is to be patient with yourself as you take healthy steps toward healing.

Please visit our website for more helpful information on coping with loss.