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#HashtagIt: 9 Instagram Marketing Facts Every Social Media Marketer Should Know

Corporations have invaded social media. You need to have a near-expert understanding of marketing facts if you want your business to thrive. 

Instagram is especially important. Every marketing professional should have a string of ideas they can deploy on the picture-based website. 

Keep reading to learn helpful tips and facts. 

Instagram Marketing Facts You Should Know 

It doesn’t matter if you’re just breaking into the marketing world or if you’re a seasoned professional. You should be aware of the following facts. 

1. Instagram Stories Matter 

You can forge a lot of new connections with the right Instagram story. You can use them as a teaser to show people new products. Stories dominate people’s home feed. 

It’s easy to take advantage of the attention. Create stories that people actually care about. 

Planning a winter sale? Create a story. Customers have a reason to watch if they’re getting something out of the deal. 

2. Influencers Are Everything 

Companies are pumping money into influencer campaigns. It’s the new frontier in business marketing. 

If you don’t want to waste your money, you need to choose who an influencer who your customers will respond to. A high-fashion model with millions of followers is a great choice if you’re trying to sell mascara, a terrible if you want to sell fishing lures. 

Finding the right influencer might take a little time. There’s no way to know how your customers will react to someone in advance. You might identify someone as only to be disappointed when their posts don’t make an impact on your page. 

3. Accumulating Data Is Important

Instagram tracks all of your interactions on the site. This makes it very easy to test the success of your campaigns. You can see how consumers react to every single post. 

There’s quite a bit of information that you can look at. For instance, should you post about your new fashion line on Saturday morning or Wednesday afternoon? Looking at the data can give you the answer. 

You can see at what time and for how long people interact with your content. 

4. Consumers Expect Video

People expect brands to produce video content. They want to see what you’re doing. Use your videos to show off your products or to highlight a facet of your business. 

People often share videos among their friends, broadening the reach of your campaign. 

There is software available online to help you create your videos. You don’t need to be a digital mastermind. If you don’t have time to make the videos yourself, you can find an affordable freelancer. 

5. You Need Fresh Content

Keeping your followers engaged isn’t easy. You need to constantly produce fresh, interesting content. If you slack off, people might forget about you. 

One of your goals is to establish your brand as an authority. If you’re selling dog collars, you want your company name involved in conversations about dogs. 

Posting too often is a bad idea. People don’t want to be annoyed. If you clutter their feed, they might be tempted to unfollow you. 

To nourish your Instagram, you can cross-post content from your other channels. A marketing blog is a good idea. 

6. Hard Sales Strategies Won’t Work 

Ultimately, your business Instagram account exists to reach out to customers and increase your sales. However, you won’t be successful if every interaction is geared toward making a sell. 

A company that’s trying to sell dog collars should also post videos about training your dog, introducing your puppy to the dog park, etc. 

For many companies, humor works well. Some brands like to joke around with customers on Instagram. Make sure that you’re in the right industry before you adopt this strategy. 

A fast-food company cracking jokes can be funny. A funeral home doing so would be inappropriate. 

7. People Crave Genuine Connections 

Your customers aren’t just a number on the screen. They’re real people with real values. That’s how they want to be treated. 

If someone mentions your brand, respond to them directly. Make them feel important. 

The perfect Instagram marketing strategy for brands involves creating a friendly voice. It can be difficult to craft the perfect persona. You want to be informal and likeable but still represent your brand in a professional way. 

8. You Can Work With Any Budget 

A common misconception is that a company needs a large marketing budget to run an Instagram marketing campaign. This is simply not true. 

You just need to be creative. Almost anyone with a following in your niche can be used as an influencer. If you don’t have the budget for Guy Fieri, try speaking with a local rising restauranteur. 

If that’s out of your budget, you can look for free influencers. These people will post reviews in exchange for free product. It can be a highly beneficial arrangement for both parties. 

9. Creativity Wins 

More than any other medium, Instagram rewards creativity. Tapping into the right customer mood can help your content go viral. Traditional ads are often seen as boring. 

It’s worth it to seek out new ways to reach your customers. You could use an unusual model who sparks conversation. You could post a funny video. 

Don’t be dismayed if a strategy doesn’t work. This will happen. Simply make a note of what occurred and move on. 

If you need help coming up with new ideas, scour the internet and ask your employees. You might be surprised at what you find. 

Write down the names of social campaigns that you admire. They might provide inspiration if you’re ever stuck. 

Final Thoughts 

Social media is a constantly shifting landscape. Running a modern business requires dedication. You need to be an expert in many different areas. 

Unless you get help. It’s impossible for one person to keep track of all the latest Instagram marketing facts. That’s why is loaded with useful content designed to help business owners and marketers. 

We regularly update the site with fresh posts. Keep checking back if you want to stay on top of the latest advice.