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Refrigerator Maintenance: 3 Tips for Keeping Your Fridge in Top Shape

On average, refrigerators should last you around 12 years. But without proper maintenance, that lifespan can quickly shorten.

You might think that the only refrigerator maintenance you need to do is do a deep clean every year, and that’s it. However, there’s more to it than that.

Read on for 3 tips on fridge maintenance so you can keep yours clean and running for years to come.

1. Defrost It on Occasion

In addition to cleaning, you’ll want to defrost your fridge and freezer occasionally. Over time, it can accumulate ice, which can actually decrease your appliances energy efficiency significantly!

Every 3 months or so, unplug your fridge and freezer to let them defrost. You’ll need about 1 hour per 1/4th inch of ice and if your appliances are heavily frosted, give them 24 hours.

You should never use hot water or hot air to speed up the defrosting process. It’ll damage the cold circuit and you’ll find yourself repairing or even replacing your fridge prematurely.

Instead, you can use a cloth soaked in hot water to wipe the walls. Anything else might damage your fridge too, so only stick to the cloth.

2. Change the Filters

Does your fridge have an ice maker and water dispenser? Then you may not have realized it, but these devices have filters and they’re what keeps your ice and water clean!

If you’re not sure where to get replacement filters, check www.discountfilters.com. Sites like these have a wide selection so you should be able to find the right filters for your refrigerator.

Every filter will be different, so you’ll need to check your manufacturer’s instructions to see how often you need to switch out the filters.

3. Clean the Coils

No one likes to look in the back of their fridges, but that’s an important part to maintain. The coils back there are essential in keeping your appliance’s compressor working, which regulates the temperatures. If you don’t keep these clean, you’ll probably need refrigeration repair, as the compressor will fail prematurely.

To clean the coils, you should first unplug the fridge and pull it away from the wall. Then use your vacuum on the coils to suck up buildup.

You should also vacuum below the coils to clear debris. While you’re back there, you should clean the condenser fan too.

You should plan on cleaning the back of your refrigerator once or twice a year. If you’ve got pets in the house, you might want to bump up the frequency, as pet hair can get trapped back there.

Practice Good Refrigerator Maintenance

Refrigerator maintenance might be tedious to go through. But you’ll only need to do it a few times and it’ll be worth your time. When you don’t have to replace your fridge often, it’ll be much better on your bank account! 

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