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Top 5 Fall Outdoor Activities

A 2013 study found that Fall is America’s favorite time of the year.

It’s no surprise with the attraction of changing leaves, the comforts of coming into a warm home, and the promise of Halloween. So what can you do to get out there and enjoy it?

We look at the top five fall outdoor activities for you and your family to enjoy. 

Fall Outdoor Activities

We’ve rounded up our top five fall activities. From hiking and camping to volunteering and helping others. See what you could be doing to enjoy the outdoors this Fall.

1. Go for a Hike

Get some exercise and enjoy a completely free activity. Visit your local park or nature reserve and explore all it has to offer.

If you take paper and some crayons, the kids can enjoy some fun fall activities. Make nature rubbings and draw pictures of what you see.

Take in the gorgeous colors on the trees and look for pine cones and conkers. You could also make leaf piles and jump in them for that satisfying crunch and explosion of color as you land.

2. Volunteer

Fall is a great time to give back to your community. There are others less fortunate than us, who don’t have the luxury of a warm house to come home to or a hot dinner to eat. 

You could be volunteering at a soup kitchen or be given blankets and food to the homeless on the streets. This Fall activity will make the world of difference to the people you help.

See if a moving company like An Organized Move LLC, will pick up donations for you and take them to a central location for you to hand out to those in need, or drop off the load to a charity or hostel.

3. Decorate for Halloween

Halloween is up there with Christmas and Birthdays for kids’ favorite holiday of the year. It can be a magical time when streets transform into haunted houses and spooky sidewalks. 

Impress your neighbors with something more than a carved pumpkin. Check out these great outdoor Halloween decorations that you can try for yourself at home. 

4. Go Camping

Camping is an excellent past time. Enjoying the outdoors and getting away from the comforts of home and the constant pull of technology can be freeing. 

The crisp mornings or Fall are energizing. You might catch some incredible views of lightly frosted foliage or spider webs.

You might think that camping in the fall wouldn’t be that enjoyable. Try camping in your back yard so that you’re close to home if the weather changes or you change your mind. 

5. Visit a Fall Festival

There are tons of organized activities you can enjoy during the Fall. See what you’re local community is organizing by searching online for outdoor fall activities near me.

But remember to keep your distance with others this year. Wear a mask and carry hand sanitizers to keep yourself and others safe.

Get Outside

Which of these great fall outdoor activities will you be doing?

Find other fun and educational things to do with your children under the Education or Travel & Leisure categories on our blog.