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What Are the Different Types of Divorces That Occur Today?

Many assume that filing for divorce is a matter of walking into the courthouse and signing a few papers. However, divorce is a protracted process that often comes with a great deal of stress and contemplation.

There are many different types of divorces – each with its respective conditions. It’s not uncommon for a divorce to have a lifelong impact on an individual. This is particularly true if children are involved.

Thus, today we’re going to discuss the most common types of divorces. After reading this article, you’ll have a better idea of your options and how your divorce will play out.

Summary Divorce

The most straightforward type of divorce is a summary divorce. A summary divorce is when spouses are on the same page regarding their divorce.

A summary divorce is most common in younger adults who haven’t been married long and don’t share any children or assets. The process is simple and generally requires spouses to fill out a Joint Petition for Summary Dissolution.

Collaborative Divorce

For couples that have been married for many years, or share children and assets, collaborative divorces are typically the best route. As the name implies, a collaborative divorce is when both couples commit to resolving divorce disagreements in a collaborative and constructed manner.

Collaborative divorces involve each spouse hiring an attorney to help reach an out-of-court resolution. Collaborative attorneys attempt to reach a settlement to avoid litigation. This can save you time and money on hefty court fees.

Uncontested Divorce

The factor that distinguishes uncontested divorces from other types of divorces is a lack of need for an attorney. Instead, the spouses will come to an amicable agreement regarding finances, assets, and other material items.

Many spouses file for uncontested divorce due to reasons such as privacy, greater control, lack of court appearances, and financial savings. Although many couples fail to proceed with uncontested divorces, they are much cheaper than alternative types of divorces. If you’re still in touch with your spouse, it may be worth discussing this option.

Contested Divorce

Unlike an uncontested divorce, a contested divorce happens when the spouses can’t come to an agreement on material terms, marital debts, child support, child custody, and alimony.

A contested divorce may result in hearings, case management meetings, and mediations. These are required before you’re even eligible to go to trial. If you end up going to trial, the terms of your divorce will be determined by a judge.

The Most Common Types of Divorces

Many underestimate the complexities of getting divorced.

The type of divorce you choose to settle on will impact the money you spend and the privacy of your divorce. It will also play a role in the amount of influence you have regarding the terms of your divorce.

The main types of divorces include summary, collaborative, uncontested, and contested. Understanding each of these types of divorces will help you make a more informed decision.

With the help of these tips, we hope your divorce goes as smoothly as possible! If you found this guide helpful, be sure to check out our other law-related articles.